I tunes is the main software on which all the apple devices run no matter a ipod or iphone 7 .i own a ipad 2 and a video ipod 6th gen. Previously owned a I phone 3 years ago .i purchased nearly 50 paid softwares from I tunes along games and utility, cam softwares .i heard once a software buyed remain on your I cloud for ever they provide you timely updates happened so with my 15 softwares .but when I tried to download it on my new iphone 5 many of the softwares were missing from my icloud .i thought might be my I cloud memory finished so buyed more I cloud memory for$5 .but still can't recover those softwares .my son also using same account . most of the new games on itunes are very limited acces games now if you buy you will get full access then each stage new buying.nothing is same like it was at the times of Steave jobs.
Frustrated I jailbroke my iphone and installed cydia
Cydia is lot better than I tunes .same app for$10 on itunes is free on cydia . I tunes updates are very big and memory killing .
I never suggest to go with I tunes cydia is much better option .