Mar 06, 2019 12:32 PM
(Updated Mar 06, 2019 12:30 PM)
INLIFE Alpha Lipoic Acid cleanses the body of toxics and leaves one feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and will make you feel like your health and well-being is completely restored.
Each of the capsules has 300 mg of the finest quality of alpha-lipoic, which allows one to harness the qualities of powerful antioxidants. It is both a water and fat soluble antioxidant. It directly recycles vitamin C and indirectly recycles vitamin E as well and provides additional antioxidant protection.
It is also beneficial for the health of the liver and is also beneficial for the health of your skin. It directly recycles vitamin C and indirectly recycles vitamin E, which provides additional antioxidant protection.
Take one capsule daily after meals or as your healthcare professional guides you to do. There are 60 capsules in it and it costs approximately INR 529.
Women who are pregnant or lactating and diabetic woman should consult a licensed physician prior to taking dietary supplements.
INLIFE Alpha Lipoic Acid is a good supplement to have if you want to detox your body and thereby make it healthier.