Nov 12, 2016 02:23 PM
Indian farmers fertiliser cooperative Ltd also know as( IIFCO), Ths is world largest fertiliser cooperative group, they produce nitrogen and phosphorus based fertilisers about 20-25% of total nitrogen and phosphorus based fertilisers in India, It comes under Fortune India 500 list, and it have approximately 45 thousand employees working, it has plants in Gujarat and UP, have its head office in New Delhi, it, s contribution in indian fertilisers is about one fourth of total that's a big deal, company provide fertilisers in cheaper rate then some private fertiliser company, they have there own railway transport for delivering the huge demand of fertilisers across country, saftey first alwz there in this company, working atmosphere is also great in company they have quarters and school and all basic facilities for there employees, there is three 8hrs shift,
Overall I can say IIFCO play very important role for Indian farmers.
For more details and information one can contact company website.