Apr 18, 2001 08:45 AM
Many ppl will hate me after reading this review. But I always beleived in saying what I feel. I want India to become better. But as of now this is what image I have.
Second highest population on planet earth. But INDIA figures nowhere in International sports.
Go to any government office in India and the officers their would try their best to make your life tough so that your work is not done. These people have never heard anything about COURTESY. Show them the money and every rule can be bent to ensure your work is done on priority.
The country boasts about being the biggest DEMOCRACY in the world. By democracy they mean government of the illiterate for the illiterate by the illiterate. The educated class doesnt seem to have much say in politics. They seem to stay away from it. The intelligent once move out of that country as soon as they can. The once who stay back, usually sacrfice for old parents or such family situations.
This is the land of God where corruption is so rampant that you may have to give bribe to be born here.
Pollution beyond control.
Terrorism in many parts of India which is out of control.
Hindu fanatism on rise. The time is not far when we will have Hindu version of OSAMA BIN LADIN rising from this land of Gandhi. I wonder if Gandhi's soul will ever find peace again.
8. India gets beaten by Bangladesh. 18 vs 2 and then India announces that we regret the loss of life. India doesnt care for a few lives and can easily forget such deaths. HOW??? Why cant India respect life like many other developed countries. How can India take the death of 18 soldiers so lightly. Wake up India. BJP/VHP spend all their energy killing memebers of other communities within India itself and when outsider comes and kills your soldier you cant do a thing. A country like Bangladesh comes and hits you hard and then you dont even have the guts to ask em for apology. ''WE REGRET THE LOSS OF LIFE'' LOL This is not funny but!!!
9. Bad roads
10. Indian democracy: Of, for and by dynasties
Good points:
Family value
Love is REAL unlike in many Western countries
Potentail IT industry
Tehelka.com and journalism on the whole
Bollywood LOL
Bye for now