Oct 08, 2008 02:49 AM
(Updated Feb 10, 2009 07:41 AM)
My best advised to you all is to invest your money in recurring deposits& atleast you'll have immediate access to your money and considerably yeild GOOD RETURNS in terms of intrests rates against to your invested money.,
Nowadays the market conditions are too bad and volatile, so I kindly advise not to invest to insurance and mutual funds it's a absolute waste of money and your precioous time, I know the fact tht every body has learnt their lessons in their own ways now.,
Thought The Fixed and Recurring deposits yeild lesser interest amount but it's still a good idea to invest rather gettin conned with unknown charges with insurance plans which we never know nor insurance company edu abt it?
So think before you invest and safe guard your hard earned money(Penny by Penny)
Yes I would like to reitriate the same facts as I did recieved a comment stating it as it's an gimmick and I am marketing fr the icici bank no it's not pls read this review carefully so tht you'll understand wot I meant and yes offcourse i'm also a invester like you with Icici prulife invested in six policies and i've gon thru a big amount of loss unlike other here on mouthshut.com, there was learning out of this and i've relalised it.
if any of you still on flexi growth, maximiser it means you money is still on high risk,
So Quickly switch your total funds to Preserverand safeguard your money before it's too late.,
Unlike insurance plans it's still better to invest on Recurring or Fixed deposits which is highly safe of which I already invested and I have seen a substantial growth with my money already.
And it more than year now and lost faith with the market it will never rise and cant see it's drowning down day by day and it's endless
Thanks & Regards
Naveen Kumar Ramalingam