Jul 06, 2016 03:26 PM
I'm about to reach the end of my policy and find that, all in all, I've had a pretty good journey.
I had got a job somewhere near the mid 2000s and was asked to provide some certificate of some sort and when I asked a consultant he turned out to be an insurance agent and got me into this policy. It turned out I did not need to do this step as I had no taxable income but though it was his craftiness that go me into the scheme it has served as a good saving scheme for me and I have not felt a pinch by paying the premiums.
I'm sure there might be better schemes which might have got me more but no one has told me about them.
This policy regulalry paid me back and though I understand that the amount I will get at the end becomes less because of this, it felt very good to receive those payments.
Lastly, I faced almost not trouble throughout. Initially, after a medical test some extra amount was added - I found the clinic where I had the checkup not very inspiring of confidence but that is in the past.
Of late company has been very attentive but not pushy in trying to make me decide on the next step when my policy matures. I'm thankful for that and for the responsiveness.
I also want to say that I'm not very fond of insurance agents who seem to get rich so fast but are not so helpful once they make you take out a policy.
That said, the new brand of Prudential agents who have visited and their customer care and responsiveness is impressive and considerate.
There be better and newer policies but CashBak has made me quite happy so far.