Oct 01, 2015 11:22 AM
I had purchased this mobile to gift it to my wife. She had been using Nokia Lumia and wanted to switch to android phone. I cam across an adv in paper which flashed new models from HTC and it looked pretty attractive hence wanted to try this out. My budget was around 13000 and I got this particular model for same from Snapdeal.
Outside look of the phone is pretty good. It comes with good features also and it is good to handle. All the features work ok, touch is good and device is pretty fast. Battery is also ok
But it has lot of disadvantages like camera quality is not good for such high price, GUI is like any Karbon mobile. Samsung has much better GUI. For a brand like HTC this reflect very poor. Speaker is very poor and handphone is also worse.
Overall I regret taking this mobile hence I will not recommend this for such a high price.