Apr 18, 2019 12:47 PM
HongKong - Church Street – Bangalore is located at Building 3, MSR Westpark, Off Brigade Road, Church Street Noodles. They specialize around cuisines They charge pocket friendly payable budget of 1, 100 INR. for two people. They are functional between 12noon – 3:30pm, 7pm – 11:30pm. Indoor seating places are available.
HongKong - Church Street – Bangalore their Chinese menu overall will whip your taste buds. Their Kimchi is absolutely drool worthy. Their Salad will keep on tending to you till your last bite. Their Vanilla Ice Cream is flavourful. Their will award you with a perfect taste. Their Chicken Dim Sum will melt you away. Their Noodles is rightly blend of all the spirits and soothing ingredients.