Ambassador is the longest running vehicle on Indian road since over 4 decades. In 2011, Hindustan Motors launched an upgraded version of Ambassador with an 1.8L engine along with Power Steering. Another variant with a 2000cc engine was also launched.
Ambassador is known to have the most comfortable seating arrangement as well as a royal look to it and hence, it has always been a favourite of politicians and bureaucrats.
Besides that it has been rated as the best taxi in the world by BBC because of it's powerful engine, low maintenance, seating capacity and comfort. Infact it still runs on the roads of Kolkata and certain towns of West Bengal as taxis so much so that Yellow Ambassadors have become a trademark associated with Kolkata.
Although the fuel consumprion is on a higher side at approximately 12 kmpl but it is compensated by huge boot space for luggage, driving comfort and greater seating capacity. It has a classic and royal outlook because of which it still runs in India.