Dec 03, 2001 08:34 PM
(Updated Dec 04, 2001 12:54 AM)
I am offering no shortcuts, but reiterating the fact that, there is no short cut to success.So if you want to have that perfect well toned body, there is no alternative, but stick to a strict daily exercising and going to gym.
Some of the misconceptions and some personal tips:
1) First thing is to realise the beneficial effects of exercising, and cultivate it be an addiction rather than a time-pass hobby.Who would not love to have a perfect well toned body? Well, if so make it an ambition of your life rather than just a distant dream.
2)You are never going to shed your weight if you keep looking your watch for that 30 minutes to be over, or keep count of the number of pushups. BE honest to yourself, and sweat your heart out with true intentions and hey dont foget your ambition!
3) No matter what, be sure of going through the routine, everyday .Dont comfort yourself with excuses. I go restless and mad if I cant workout for a day or two!
4)Never ever cut down on breakfast, lunch or dinner.Nor do cut down on desserts(I have a sweet tooth, and just cant cut down on sweets), snacks or anything, but'moderation' is the key word.But make sure that if you are having any rich food, to work out in gym the next day or over weekends for an extended period to burn the extra calories.
5) Check your weight regularly.This may look silly, but it doesnt cost much to have a weighing machine, but keeps you reminding to take some action to counter weight increase.
6)Another biggest misconception, you dont need to exercise if you are lean . Infact its absolutel;y necesssary to increase your muscle mass, else one can look pathetic , later on.
7) Aviod smoking and, drinking .I am still susciptible to it, so no false advises, but I know, I have to avoid it. And still battling it, with hey, some positive results!Hopefully if it succeds I will write a review soemday.But I think its possible, with a good resolve .(Another new year resolution)
8) HAve an active lifestyle. Have atleast one good outdoor hobby .Oh god, dont be slotched onto TV and now a days, internet whole day long.
9)Dont make'having no time' a lame excuse. You can devote any portion of the 24 hours to exercise.Even midnite will do, but never skip it, (keep remmebering your ambition)!
10)Personal vehicle is another biggest enemy. Make sure to avoid it as much as possible when you are going out for short distances.Make walking or freaking out, a pleasure. Aviod escalators.If you are located on some 30 th floor.WAlk up, for 10-15 floors, and then take an escalator.Small things do matter a lot, especially if you are a busy executive, battling for time.(REmember dont make time an excuse)
11)For the first step, if you are a starter, its advisable to go to gym .But lateron, you can have your own customisable gym in your own house for convenience .When I talk of gym dont have that concept of big gizmos in your mind, but simple pushups, pumping irons etc is more than enough, for basics .If you already into it, its always better to take help of some trained pro's to develop those right muscles, biceps, etc .But that's at a much later stage, first the basics.
12) Believe me, once you have sweated out to be in shape, you are hooked and will never ever want to loose out on it, and that's when you will be addcited.But to get to this point needs a bit of hard resolve, but its not that difficult.
13) Dont beilieve in any weight reduction programmes, or those ads on TV, bcoz, as it all may be a temporary solution, and as I said earlier and reiterating again, there are no shortcuts .
And most important of all, ' S-T-A-R-T T-O-D-A-Y'!