Nov 13, 2016 10:37 AM
(Updated Nov 13, 2016 02:14 PM)
As an Indian we should know indian is at third place in terms of obesity( overweight) after USA and China.
Well in India and across world many people are suffering from overweight so here I give you few simple tips and you can reduce weight. This whole game of weight loss depend on your calories intake and calories burn, the people who are overweight there intake is much higher then they burn.
First thing you should know how this calories thing works, see there is three major things In any food 1-carbohydrates, 2- protein, 3- fats now from Carbohydrates and protein we get 4 calories/ gram, and from fat we get 9 calories, if anyone if it's men or women want to reduce weight simple come down to 2000 calories per day programme.
Means you have to cut your fat content much more then carbohydrates and protein, first thing you all have to do boycott eating sweets and deep fry, then reduce eating rice don't boycott rice just reduce eating it, try to eat smaller meals in every 3-4 hrs approx 4 to 5 meals whole day, Eat your brkfst like a king, Eat your lunch like a normal human but remember, Eat your dinner like begger, most of people eat heavy dinner that's cause too much weight gain becoz after dinner mostly people sleep, so better cut your most of meals from dinner, REMEMBER TO BOYCOTT SWEETS include everything which is sweet don't think that one can eat cake or chocolate, then DEEP FRIED foods, then FAST FOODS boycott this all.
Now few additional things to speed up your weight loss, early morning daily - take one cup warm water half lemon and two drops of honey and drink daily early morning empty stomach, and in morning or evening just walk few km or just do 10-15 situps and if can do more try complex exercise to do few, crunches, bench press etc, but these are too complicated for beginners so this all exercise do it later first only walking and situps etc, but first thing is to control diet as I told you then exercise and other things.
I know it's very difficult to control, but if you all not do then be ready for some heart attack, type2 diabetes, depression, so better to control before its too late friends.
And most important tip now if u feel hungry too readily, just don't eat full heavy meal, just in every 3 hrs eat any fruit or one handful snacks this can keep your stomach full and help you to control not to eat heavy meals.
JUST DO IT DON'T GIVE UP its your life you have to make is more beautiful it's all in your hand I can just give you tips and motivate you but it's you who have to follow this. " GO FOR IT FRIENDS"
If want more suggestion or want to ask anything else related to this feel free to ask anytime and I will reply your answer as soon as possible.