Mar 23, 2016 11:19 PM
Hello friends,
Since banking has been too high profile these days and that is just because of the technologies. However, meanwhile, some of the banks are yet to improve their services and the database too. Such as HDFC bank in terms of Credit cards and maintenance too. Well, it has been more than four times I have applied and that is just because I always get a call asking me to get the documents update and a credit card will be dispatched soon. However, all the times, I get the message over the HDFC web site stating that my financial condition is not well hence, a credit card can not be issued on my account.
Well, I know that my CIBIL is awesome, no credit on my cards and no other payments are pending. Then why they people are calling me and asking me to get the stupid documents updated and get the card?
Nothing, however, they just do not know how to create a smile and deliver it to the customers.