Dec 12, 2015 06:46 PM
I am in delhi and using hathway digital cable since it was mandatory
in so many years .NOT once I felt they provided any kind of satisfactory service.
their attitude is -> whatever they want to do they will do, a customer has no rights whatsoever, customer cant complain, customer will NEVER be heard
they charge money at their will and NEVER PROVIDE ANY RECEIPT OR BREAKUP OR ANY BILL to justify what they are charging
leave aside local cable operator I had spoken and wrote emails to their headoffice in delhi . but result is same . NO ACTION.
they do not do anything .
if they want to keep your closed for any reason it is their wish.
if there is any technical fault. they will never tell you and nor will inform how much time will it take if you ask.
such companies must be "BLACKLISTED" so that they do not take customer for granted.