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Treat Yourself Like A Queen!
May 03, 2001 04:45 AM 2099 Views

When it comes to stress, you are talking to an expert.  Although Prince Charming and the two royal rugrats are deeply loved by the Princess, she still tends to be drove crazy by them.  But, it's not only the actions of my loved ones, but worrying about their safety and well-being.  Sources of stress for me also comes from work, financial problems, and any other marriage, parental and adult related worries.

The Princess admits that she does let things get to her every now and then, any normal human being can't help but be bugged by life at some point in time.  When I find myself loosing control, or when I've had a bad day, I try to look out for number one and do some things for me.  I value any'me' time that I can get, and being a wife and mother(and a Princess.heehee) makes it especially important to get away sometimes.

So.what does the Princess recommend when you are needing a little stress relief?  Here are a list of some fun, easy and not to mention inexpensive things that I do to make myself feel better, calm down, or just chill out when I'm down to my last nerve:

1.  Go for a walk.  Dang it feels good to get outside.  Exercise is a great stress relief too, so combined the benefits are excellent!  I don't recommend doing an exercise video, or any other strenuous workout activity for stress, as sometimes it can be too overwhelming.  Just a nice walk in the brisk, fresh air can do the job.

2.  Take a bubble bath.  Get some scented candles, a glass of your favorite spirit or wine, and some bubble bath.  Turn the lights down low and lay back and relax!

3.  Get together with the girls/guys.  Same sex company always seems to help me to cope.  Try a night out on the town, a fishing trip, or a shopping spree.

4.  Write.  Writing has always been a huge stress reliever for me.  Rather it be poetry, a review here at MS, or just some rambles about your problems, it will always help calm your nerves.  When I'm stressed out, writing poetry seems to serve as a release.  It's whatever works for you.

5.  Read.  Kick back with your favorite book or magazine to help occupy your busy mind, and free it from everyday worries.

There you have it.five things you can do when you are feeling stressed out.  Use them to the fullest, and try to enjoy your life, instead of worrying and stressing about everything.  Always remember my friends, when you are feeling your lowest, that 'this too shall pass'.

I hope the Princess has helped.  Thank you, and until the next time.

Take it easy!

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