Govt mahila polytechnic college, udaipur is a good college in this area to make you perfect and make you career. Udaipur mahila govt polytecnic college run two courses one is interior design and another is taxtile design. Both courses has many opporrunities to make future and career. After complete these courses many private and govt compnies has campus placement in college and have to go to in govt sector and can estabalishment self business.
My cousin sister complete his taxtile design course before 3 years and after one year job he established her business and now it is in good condition. In this college many extra programm operate by administration like old students meeting, sports compitition, games, mehandi compitition, and the most important students growth prigramm like expert lecturer. So it is the best college for girls in this area with a minimum fees and maximum output. Lecturer is very good, efficient and productive, and laboratory, liberary and all other facility is very good.