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Features & Functionality:

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Supported file formats : jpg, png, and jpeg


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Mar 13, 2006 04:14 PM 1723 Views
(Updated Mar 17, 2006 03:28 PM)

Features & Functionality:

Ease of use:

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Value for Money:

Note : Review Based On Personal Experience with the software!!! No offense and do remember that opinions differ from person to person!!!!

Da Geek Airlines Is Back with Mr. Geek In it who went to see the SA vs Aus Match yesterday!!!!! Take Offfffff..zooooo...will take 15 min to reach the end..


And finally got some rest from exams and see I am back dude's and dudi's...:)..To start with, just tell me one thing: How many of you people use a toolbar??? I think...think..... 100's nopes.....1000's....nope....oh yes lakh's..:) See the no. is increasing every minute and let me tell you the company's gaining wealth....In this race of toolbars, Google (A well known Company) who has already developed many useful utilities, one being the Google Earth -launched the beta version of A toolbar for IE. Gradually as it became the favourite of everyone including the professionals, a toolbar supporting Firefox,K-meleon browsers was also the market...

In One Line: Google Has something special in it's softwares..

Believe it or not, This one has also got that magical touch !!!!!!



<Read on to know>


A toolbar is a row of buttons,applications and various interesting menu's which help the user perform functions quickly with the mouse but a google one also has a special area there allowing you to do a google search without visiting the official website for info.


Installation and Download:


The installation for me was as easy as applying melted butter on a Bread or say in Hindi- Toast...It's not fast but lightning Fast...Talking about the size of the file it a mear: 543 KB file which can also be easily downloaded with a third class internet connection also....just kiddin..:)

Toolbar For IE users can be downloaded from:


Toolbar For Other Browsers can be downloaded from:



Those applications, tabs,features whatever you call it :


In the toolbar you would also come many amazing features...Here's the list :

  1. Popup Blocker:

In this feature Google has mastered both technology and mind together. The popup blocker blocks those unwanted advertisement windows generated Mostly by JavaScript appearing automatically on the screen while browsing which in turn disturb you and your mental peace.An added animation is shown in the form of a blast when any pop-up is blocked by this toolbar and also the no. of popup's blocked is shown in the roman/numeric form.

  1. Auto Fill Option :

Mindblowing work has been done in this field also. Auto fill is feature in which just after the installation, you are asked to fill up your name, address, phone default. So whenever you are in the process of filling up a form on a website, just click on this little button and have a look...The form is filled up with the information you earlier provided to the database.

  1. Browse By Name:

This is sort of an interesting feature..Mostly we people type the name of the website or use alternative shortcut keys to open it. But wait a minute.......Google toolbar is still there to help...Just type the name of the website,press enter...and the URL is opened for you..Thus, it also helps in saving time..... making you utilize the period in some other work..:)

  1. Word Translator and Spell Check: koool's that....Just scroll your mouse over a word in your current default browser and see what happens..Google translates that word in another word both having the same meaning..For eg-: Camera will change to- Video Camera....Dont forget: All this is done with the help of only Google Servers..Coming to spell check, the title only suggests the meaning.....

  1. Last: Google Search:

Hey now no need to go on and on typing the same URL for doing thos fab searches..You just need to enter the thing you wanna search for, select from various categories like: Images,News,Groups etc and press the enter key..In moments the results are displayed.....

Other AF includeS:

Page Rank, Auto Link, Blog and Highlight Tab, Page Info and Voting Buttons....




Popups blocked till date in my PC by GT: 6,086

Developed by: Google

In Year:2002



So I hope I have been able to put my point forward clearly.If yes to interact with me through the comments sections!!! They are welcomed as usual...:)

Anyways thanks for reading the Review.....

Bye for now,

Best Wishes,

Keep Throwing More Reviews From Heart™

Yours, ÇÕMÞûTèR G££k®


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Google Toolbar