Aug 20, 2015 10:37 PM
Golghar is an ancient creation which was built in the year 1786 by john Grastin. First time I came to this place with my grandfather when I was of 8 years old.
There are more than 600 stairs and to go up you have to walk through the stairs 300 for going and 300 for coming.
This place was built as granary to store grains and one most important thing that golghar is constructed in such a way that it opens only from inside so one have to go inside the golghar from top and then he can open the door. It’s a marvelous construction.
I went on the top through the stairs and the scenery from top is mind blowing you can see entire Patna. You can see the huge Ganga River gushing beneath. I come every year to this place and I really feel so excited. Well you will find so many crowds during the weekends you will get all medium of transport for this place and you will get nice restaurants and hotels if you are planning to stay. I will sure recommend this place to everyone