This fas stove also is unake to provide their customers a better customer service.
This gas stove is not at all a user friendly stove for the users of this stove.The gas stove is tok heavy to pull it up because and the stand of the gas stove is not fitted appropriate so this trouble the user.
This gas stove stand is made up if good waktu fibre but the main gas stove is made up of very light weight and bad quality steel which ia not good from a good product point of view.
This is not at handy because its looks is tok odd to show the peoples and nobody likes this look so it is not at all handy.
The style and design of this stove is just average and not good , the style is like a local stove aand the design is not unique si it failed to attract the customers.
The service of the stove is bad and it stopped working in a warranty time itself but the bad thing about it that customer care executive wint repair this stove free is cost nor they replace it.
Bad service.