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No one writes the matter of the fact.....
Jul 26, 2006 09:10 PM 5361 Views

I read several articles in this section thinking that probably I may get the right advise here... but to  no avail.. its just the outline that they give and claim that they are skin practitioners.

Those who have severe acne trouble know this for sure that you have to use the soap at least 2 times specially before going to bed and the SOAP also has to medicated for those who are having this trouble.

In addtiion all such traumatised acne patients know that it is the excessive oil production that causes the blockage of the pores leading to the acne  on the upper surface of  the skin and therefore they should not oil/moisturize their skin... coz already they are having the oily / excesive oily skin.

they know that topically they can use the branded creams that are available with all the leading chemists for the acne and  ALL those creams have at least one constituent in common which is the benz..peroxide...etc etc

but beleive me these topical creams wont help you far... just for some days you may feel that they work but after no effect no use...phew.... u are back to square one

many many treatments are available in t he market for this trouble ranging from the herbal to chemical to machine treatments...etc etc with the cost going into thousands...

see there are not many reasons as to why you may be having the trouble

1 hormonal imbalance..... the biggest culprit...signs---the irregular periods

2 genetics

3 stress/emotional pressure

4 none.....................

diet--- u should avoid the oily food but not that it is only factor to trouble or to be take care of.

infact as the latest research shows that cottage cheese n spread cheeses n other dairy products

cause more acne  than the oily food and the chocolates. Mind it that foods with high Iodide content always cause the acne breakage on the skin. Those  who have more than 3 glasses of milk l everyday will have 22% more chance of suffering form the acne .

Please note that if you have any hormonal trouble going on (check teh above listed sign).. follow up a gynecologist first and then go to the dermatologist if required. First the internal cleansing of teh system is required which would only be taken care of by a certified gynecologist. The  rest would be covered in the treatment.

Skin just reflects the state of our internal system. so mind it get the system cured form inside and the skin would restore to the normal self on its own.

Yes there are things like... you should not squeeze the pimples as it spredas the infection plus you will get the scars which will not go off easily from your face making you look like a joker.

Dont take any oral medicines or topical treatment on your qon without consulting any certified practitioner... be it t eh dermatologist or the gynaecologist.

main trouble is usually the hormone... at times it is the stree /  emotional factor. So follow the proper guidelines to get it cured.  Yes it is true that during the pre-menstrual days you may have more breakage on the skin than the regular days and it is normal. Dont panic... follow the right line of the treatment to cure the trouble and get the glowing blemish free attractive soft skin that makes other envy....



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