Aug 24, 2001 03:17 PM
I don`t write many reviews or opinions but when I do I generally write, revise, amend and alter before submitting them.I`m that sort of person.Today, however, I shall break that trend by writing whatever comes into my head about the subject of'Preparing yourself for Surgery'.
The UK National Health Service(NHS) has had some bad press recently within the UK, staff shortages, poor treatment, cover-ups, long waiting lists and.I could go on but I won`t for this opinion is not a place to vent comment on these issues.
My personal comments about the service are generally good and as I am about to go'under the knife'for the 6th time allow me to have a few minutes of your time to reassure you about it, especially if you have an operation planned yourself.
Somehow recently(don`t ask me how) I managed to rupture one of the tendons at the back of my thumb.Consequently it HURTS.Now I know we men are all such wimps and obviously have not encountered real pain, having never borne kids, but I am severely limited in what I can do with this hand at present and as I said it HURTS.
The orthopaedic consultant I saw has decided to transplant a tendon from one of my fingers to replace the busted one of my thumb.He described it as though it was as easy as changing a tyre on your car!Having had a scientific background as well as five previous operations it holds little trepidation for me but I can appreciate the concern of others who are far less sure about surgical procedures than myself.
I thought that I would give a bit of reassurance to anyone of you out there who is themselves to undergo a procedure or has a relative or friend about to go through one.
1)DON`T WORRY!I know that that is virtually impossible to do but worrying will do nothing for the success of your op.All you have to do is go to sleep and wait.The surgical team do these things day after day and know their jobs inside out.Let them do the worrying!
2)Get as much information as possible.Ignorance breeds a lot of the worry so find out as much about what is going to happen, before, during and after your operation.Most doctors and nursing staff are only to pleased to explain thing to patients.If what the say is too complicated, get them to explain it more simple.
3)Prepare yourself before the day.Get as much of your day to day business sorted out in advance.Plan what needs to be done whilst you are away if others rely upon you.Get friends, family and colleagues
to help!
4)Try to relax and take it easier the day before you go into hospital(You must have completed no3 before this!)
5)You will probably have lots of time in bed after your operation and can fairly soon get bored.Also your attention span will limited.Take magazines or newspapers but not books.They are a lot easier to dip into and browse through.Find out if you can have your mobile phone with you but always remember that they can be switched off!Take a Walkman and a selection of favourite cassettes.
6)Don`t forget the essential items like slippers, dressing-gown, tooth-brush etcIt`s very easy to forget the obvious in all the excitement!
7)Make sure that people know where you are.They can then come an visit!And bring loads of fruit that you can`t possibly eat!
8)Take writing material.Start and maybe even complete a few of those letters that have been waiting for so long.Jot down a few ideas for future submissions to Mouthshut.If you have a lap-top so much the better.
9)Expect the best service.Complain, within reason, don`t put up with inferior care but don`t make yourself a pain to the nursing staff.They are only human as well and like to be treated with respect.
10)Please never forget that 99.9% of operation go smoothly and yours will as well!
Think about me a little next Tuesday a.m the 28.08.01.As Arnie says.I WILL BE BACK!
P.S.I hope this will prove of help to some of you out there.