Nov 10, 2003 09:47 PM
(Updated Nov 10, 2003 09:47 PM)
FunTrivia is one of the greatest trivia sites in the world. It has a smooth way of navigating and the quizzes are almost on every topic. It's the perfect place if you want to have fun, just tired or even if you want to research. The quizzes are refreshingly easy to understand because of the volunteer editors who make sure that each quiz is easy and does not contain any profanity. There are also chat boards on many topics where you can discuss about those topics. The forums are great but only if you want mature conversations with people of all ages. There is no ''I've got a boyfriend'' and ''Hey, wanna chat'' there. It's very mature and enjoyable. You can also create your own quiz there which is highly enjoyable. The paid membership they occur is also one cool thing. You can have the quizzes that you played tracked, and you can receive loads of statistics ! I highly recommend it. I have been on the site 6 months now and have thoroughly enjoyed it.