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Feb 22, 2017 02:54 PM 3571 Views (via Mobile)



One of the best book which I have readed.i loved this book.

New York Times called Chetan Bhagat the biggest-selling English- Language novelist in India’s history. Well, FPS is a simple, easy to read, short story, and has been praised by all News Papers and Periodicals. But at the same time it is very difficult to accept and agree with his description and narration of IITs. IITs are our best institutions of learning and training. It is not for nothing that the entrance into these institutions is a herculean effort and everyone who gets admission thinks himself/herself to be very fortunate. Mr. Bhagat has not done justice to the institution IIT. All the graduates of IITs get employment here in India or in other countries, especially the United States of America. The description of the IIT teaching and dealings which have been described are, to my mind with limited exposure through colleagues and others, are not true. O f ‘course all this is not to belittle the excellent story that Mr. Bhagat has churned out. It is an easy read which one can finish in one sitting. The story is built through three students, freshmen, who met on joining IIT Delhi and during a ragging session. Ryan Oberoi, Alok Gupta and the narrator Hari. Ryan’s parents are rich and in the USA. Ryan is a well built, well muscled young man. His background has made him a carefree strong and self willed person and has a devil may care attitude. He saves all from the ragging session. Alok is from a family in need of money and care. His father is bedridden after an accident, mother is a school teacher and supports the family. Alok also has sister of marriageable age. Hari Is the narrator of the story and perhaps falls in the category between Ryan and Alok. The three cannot be considered to be representative of the IIT crowd but do represent vastly different background. In the story as it progresses you come across another type, the studious mugger in Venkat. Alok at one point separates from his buddies, Ryan and Hari but in the course of the narrative leaves Venkat an rejoins his buddies, Ryan and Hari. Alok’s father is a cripple and Hari and later both he and Ryan visited him and had sumptuous meal. The most interesting part of the whole narrative is Neha an eighteen year old girl who lives in the campus with her family. Hari makes friend with her and meets her in the Ice Cream parlour. Neha is beautiful and attractive. Hari likes her very much and so does she. But they take time to develop this friendship, and trust in each other. It starts with holding hands and then arms around the waist and the first attempt at lips is distanced with pushing and so on. Neha endearingly calles Hari my loafer. Eventually and gradually this has to become intimate and grow physical and it does. The whole meeting with Neha is always tantalizing and neatly done. Well, IIT is a learning place and so there have to be Professors. In an institute of the size of IIT there will be so many Departments and every Department will have lot of Teachers and others, Head of the Department, the Dean and other staff. When there is so much staff some Prof. or the other is also kind and considerate while some other may also be very strict or tyrant in his approach while still some other is sympathetic. This was also so in the Mechanical Engineering Department to which these buddies belonged. There is Prof. Veera a very kind, helpful and sympathetic person. The tyrant is Professor Cherian, Head, Mechanical Engineering Dept. and Neha’s Father. Ryan had made a Lube Project which Prof. Cherian shot down. Prof. Cherian had a son Sameer who wanted to be a lawyer but his father wanted him to be IIT engineer. He tried and tried but failed IIT entrance thrice. Ultimately he ended his life on a railway track without telling anybody but writing to his sister. Then there is the Dean Prof. Shastri who is also very helpful. There are two acts of mischief this trio indulged in. The first is their rendezvous on the roof of the institute(insti). At nightfall they will go up there(nine floors) with a bottle of Vodka and enjoy, nobody sees them there and they repeat this at their pleasure. In IlT the system of evaluation is the grade point system and unless one has good grades getting a good job is difficult. For all this there are assignments, tests and viva. These are all held periodically. Our buddies were all just average: five point something. At one point Hari was lagging very much behind and in the upcoming viva he had to score an A, a very difficult task. Ryan suggested and made him drink Vodka before the viva. Prof. Cherian smelt and fired him and flunked him. Then there was the test and he had to get 10 in that. All three deliberated over this and decided the easiest way is to enter Prof. Cherian’s office and steal the final paper. Hari managed to get the key to his office, duping Neha, got it duplicated and then one eveningthey decided to enter Professor Cherian’s office to steal the paper. All three barged in and got caught. Alok had to telephone his house rather urgently and he did inspite of issiduance from the other two. The security found that something was wrong in the office and came and caught them red handed. This was a very serious offence. It was reffered to the disciplinary Committee called DISCO, who deliberated on the offence. Prof. Veera and Dean Shastri helped them as much as they could to overcome the extreme seriousnes of the offence.

Ryan draws a ‘modified screw-jack, ’ in which one does not have to open manually and raise the jack. A flat tire does not mean the engine has failed. Hence once can attach a motor on the traditional jack and hook it up to the car battery. If one switches on the car ignition, the motor car derives power. Ryan is very happy with the design. But the professor finds it difficult to accept this original thinking. The conversation proceeds as follows: “What is this?” “Sir, this modified screw-jack, It can be attached to the car’s battery…” “Is this an electrical engineering class?” “No sir but the end need is the same…” “Is this an internal combustion engines class?” “Sir but…” “If you don’t want to be in my class or follow my course, you may leave.” This example shows that many professors at the IITs are totally unequipped to handle the brilliant students who study there. 2 The Gaps The limitations of IITs are brought out vividly in a get-together involving students. Ryan remarks, “You know guys, this whole IIT system is sick. Because, tell me, how many great engineers or scientists have come out of IIT? I mean that is supposed to be the best college in India, the best technology institute for a country of a billion. But has IIT ever invented anything? Or made any technical contribution to India? Over thirty years of IITs, yet, all it does is train some bring kids to work in multinationals. I mean look at MIT in the USA… What is wrong in the system… This system of relative grading and overburdening the students. I mean it kills the best fun years of your life. But it kills something else. Where is the room for original though? Where is the time for creativity? It is not fair.” The mice race Competition is intense in the IITs. The pressures which the IIT grading system puts on students are captured in one professor’s remarks at the end of his class: “Best of luck once again for your stay here. Remember, as your head of department Prof Cherian says, the tough workload is by design, to keep you on your toes. And respect the grading system. You get bad grades, and I assure you – you get no job, no school and no future. If you do well, the world is your oyster. So, don’t slip, not even once, or there will be no oyster, just slush.” The professor’s daughter had found it easier to trust Hari with the letter. She had defied the professor, lied to him and ignored him just to meet him. Somewhere down the line, the professor had gone really wrong. The professor adds, “And that is when I realized that GPAs make a good student, but not a good person. We judge people here by their GPA. If you are a nine, you are the best. If you are a five, you are useless. I used to despise the low GPAs so much that when Ryan submitted a research proposal on lubricants, I judged it without even reading it. But these boys have something really promising. I saw the proposal the second time. I can tell you, any investor who invests in this will earn a rainbow." Hari and Alok join software companies which ironically enough were underrated in the early 1990s. Alok makes enough money in a few months to pull his family out of the deep financial crisis they were going through. Ryan ends up becoming a businessman, thanks to the encouragement of Prof. Veera. A happy ending to a well written book. Conclusion The message for IIT students is captured in the professor’s address: “One, believe in yourself, and don’t let a GPA, performance review or promotion in a job define you. There is more to life than these things - your family, your friends, your internal desires and goals. And the grades you get in dealing with each of these areas will define you as a person.” The style of this book is quite different from the book “The IITians” by Sandipen Deb. But there is a common thread. IIT students should not be made after grades.

I refers this book to all of u guys please read.


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Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat