Aug 03, 2016 08:08 AM
I first saw this car, in golden color, in our cities version of auto expo. This was a really very beautiful car and I asked the people about the price and it was expensive, not to say the least because if you add the different taxes and handling charges, the prices tend to bump up a lot!
Well nothing doing about that, even then I sat in the car along with my family.and everyone liked he interiors and the seats were very very comfy, the under thigh support for the back seats were really something!.just fell in love with the whole car, the steering .but then I noticed, the driver seat or position, is not good for anyone having a hight of 5'6 to 5'7.
The main reason being you cannot see what lies in front.i mean the front bonnet just vanishes and no matter how much you strain your neck, you wont be able to see the end of it, which might cause you do bang the car in front of u while in traffic and the 2nd thing was looking left or right.while parking is essential, I mean the front part of it or where the tyres were landing, the front tyres I mean, you just had to guess and couldnt know how much width you had left while parking close to a wall. No back cameras!
So basically you need to be a guy who has close to 10 years driving experience minimum to get the whole spacial awareness going for you because the car surely doesnt give you any help in understanding the amount of space you have on ur lef or right and in India, thats a very important thing because the indian roads and streets are filled with people who think if they come on the road suddenly, a car has to come to a full stop while they cross! and the narrow roads are filled with shop owners and then street vendors and then you children suddenly walking on to a narrow crowded street while you are trying to meander a big car like this!
So unless, as a driver, you are not aware of how much you're car can go left or right ina narrow crowded street or while parking in crowded places or while inching ahead in a traffic and not you knowing how far the nose of the car can go? then you will be in a big mess, which wouldn't be good!