Aug 06, 2016 01:34 PM
Being a teacher and more specifically, being a university teacher, effective time management plays a key role in the professional development of the teacher. I have been working as an Associate professor in a technical university for close to two decades and from my own experience, I would like to provide a few tips to members belonging to my community. Here are the tips for you.
1) First of all, a teacher must deliver his or her professional duty that is teaching to the optimal level.
2) The teacher must arrive to the work place in time and must not leave before the scheduled departure time since punctuality greatly contributes to the quality of a teacher.
3) The teacher must arrive to a class, theory or practical in time.
4) While in a theory class, first of all, the teacher must dedicate at least 10 minutes to recap the contents of the previous class. Last five minutes must be dedicated to answer to questions if any from the contents of the class covered.
5) In a practical class, first of all the teacher must explain the theoretical background of the scheduled practical class for 15 minutes and the last 15 minutes must be spent for evaluation of the results.
6) When there are no classes, the teacher must engage himself or herself in research activities since research activities significantly affect the promotional aspects in professional development.
These are few tips for a university teacher and if maintained a teacher can achieve success for sure.