Oct 05, 2005 03:37 PM
(Updated Oct 05, 2005 03:43 PM)
Following is reproduced from my article on another forum:
Many people say that Indian education system is faulty. In my opinion it does not sound appropriate. Any system which is operational is a successful system. This applies to Indian education system also. It has produced and is still producing good doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers..... Many of them are experts in their respective fields. Their achievements are commendable. Seeing the result, one can not say that the system is wrong or faulty. Then what is the problem? Why Indian education system is not able to provide expected results?
The answer is not simple. Indian education system is a dynamic system. It has evolved in the past and is still evolving. It should be judged on its good points and bad points on a long term basis. In other words one should try to determine whether the system is effective, and effective to what extent, and whether any improvements are needed to make it more and more effective.
Let us analyse Indian Education System. In doing so, it should be noted that I am using the term 'effective to what extent' and not 'ineffective'. The purpose is to adopt the positive approach in analyzing the system. However, I accept that present Indian education system is proving ineffective if seen from what is happening in educational institutions and the quality of people these institutions are turning out.
What is the meaning of education - is it studying or practicing? Now-a-days the education is being looked as an instrument of only acquiring knowledge. We have forgotten that the basic meaning of education is practicing. The term 'practicing' includes acquiring knowledge and then properly using it through practice. Acquiring or knowing is also education but it is not the whole of education. Putting to proper use what one has acquired or learnt is an important part of education. I will go one step further. Use of acquired knowledge should result in larger benefits to the society and people. In this respect one would say that Indian education system is effective to some extent and needs lot of improvements, in properly understanding the basic meaning of education and the right methodology of practicing it.
Education has four dimensions - development of body, the mind, the intellect, and emotional development. In short education should result in overall development of the people. Present education system is effective to the extent that it puts stress on two aspects, physical and intellectual. In this sense it needs improvement to put stress on other two aspects also, mental and emotional development. This means that due importance should also be given to the building of character and to discipline.
Another improvement required here is that people should start desisting from putting all the blame for problems in society on the system of education. It should be realized that it is futile to seek the effect when the cause is absent. On one hand, people are not making any effort to include character building and discipline in education system, but on the other hand they blame the system for any problems in the society, seen as a direct or indirect result of characterlessness and indiscipline.
Present education system does not put stress on refinement of outlook, behaviour and feelings. Right outlook, right behaviour and right feelings are essential for progress in any society and nation. In one word we can say that education should result in development of a positive approach towards life and people. If the education system develops even a feeling for need of refinement it will be a major improvement in its effectiveness.
Education is being seen as a business these days. Considering India a major customer base, many foreign educational institutions have opened their centres in India. Indian government is also putting more stress on providing increasing number of seats in educational institutions. But in doing this, quality aspect of education is missing.
No doubt, UGC, AICTE and other bodies are boasting of their systems for improving quality of education, the result is not seen as expected. This will not happen untill people understand the basic purpose of education. If considered as a business, educational institutions should be run in an ethical manner.