Apr 09, 2017 06:34 PM
I ordered for my parents though Flipkart and unfortunately it was send via Ecom express.
These idiots dont even call and make updates locally. Next when you escalate to flipkart, my parents got calls from Pune. Inspite of the fact that they cant hear a thing, the person calling made no attempt to change the location of the mic he is using or anything at all.
Finally with the details when I called to their SO CALLED customer care, below are the updates:
1) No greetings, first sentence is "Give me your consignment number".
2) Rate of speech for the idotic lady was so high, I could barely understand a word. So I started to speak in the similar way which to an extend made her slow down. Wish I could show you how I made it work.
3) They dont listen to issues. Ask their name to record whom you spoke to, she will never tell you. Is that kind of eve teasing/ Rape/molestation alert? May be I am not aware and it was my mistake to ask.
4) ethics is the last word to remember while speaking with them
5) their phone line even when I spoke from chennai was really bad and full of static. Repeating over and over again that line is not clear finally made thing slightly better.
6) My dad had to do the pickup himself as the courier guys were too busy. Suggest you do the same, if you want delivery.
#We need some tips from Ajit Balakrishnan(Founder-Rediff.com) as to how to get courteous and Helpful service(Ecom express home page has his testimony)
Finally I rate 1 Out of 5 .