Feb 08, 2002 10:10 AM
(Updated Feb 08, 2002 02:19 PM)
This is such a pathetic site: I was a regular user of this site till I found that all the baazee are prefixed. some time back they had an auction named 1 hour auction. I used to bid in this but to my surprise I never got it every time it was the same set of people who won the bids.
Quality and Pricing: How the hell can anyone sell a product at a price much much lower than the market. specially ornaments, gifts etc. at a price almost half that of the market. the baazee people doesn’t take any responsibility of either the seller or the buyer. What usually happens in baazee is that often if by any chance a buyer wins an auction at a good price I mean the buyer gets the deal at a lower price than the market the seller just doesn’t want to sell the product anymore and doesn’t give any reply to our constant mails.
No Reply from either baazee or there customer service cell: Even if you mail to ayesha@baazee.com or service@baazee.com you dont get any a reply. These people don’t even have the basic sense of replying to a mail or to someone who needs help. I had mailed both these mail addresses couple of times but just in vain.
Responsibility: About the quality of the product the site does not have any responsibility of the product. I had a bad experience I won a product and when I contacted the seller he asked me for delivery charges more than that mentioned on the auction. Finally he agreed and when I received I found the product had defects. So I mailed the seller a couple of times for replacement but the seller always gave me a reply saying the product is like that and that he cannot replace it. I mailed baazee too to sort this out but they dint even reply to my mails. Finally only when I told the seller that I would move legally that he agreed to replace it. But when I received it I found the product was not new even though the seller claims the product to be new. How can some one find scratches on a new product?
What the site is doing is FRAUD. People should act to it and shut down such sites that mislead people.
No one is ready to take responsibility of the product so how can a buyer be sure that he is getting for what he paid for. Another is transaction, usually all the products are send only after sending advance DD and how can a buyer be sure that the seller or the so called person is going to send the product and not just vanish.
Legal loopholes: Some legal problems in the transaction is that none of the products does not carry a proper bill and if caught by the tax people it will be the buyer who is going to be in trouble but not the seller because of not taxing the product or not carrying the bill etc. Most of them have got no guarantee nor any kind of assurance from the part of the site that the buyer can be assured that his money is paid for the right stuff with the right quality.
Over pricing: Some of the products are being over priced almost 3 times. I can give you an easy example of this. The mercury flat panel speaker is just around Rs.300 (whole sale price). but you can easily find the same product being sold for Rs.900. but I don’t know why people buy this I found people bidding on this product when there where other seller giving the same product at Rs.400. You can easily conclude that the seller and the buyer are the same person having multiples ids in the case of the seller selling at Rs.900.I mean all of those involved in baazee from the watchman to the CEO has got may be multiple ids at least 5 to each ones account and its these people who keep on bidding changing there ids.
Information about product: By the information given in the site you can hardly get to know of the products its features its quality.
Site never updated: I have found many times that the site never gets updated. I mean you can hardly find any changes on the site even after months. Another common thing is even after an auction has been closed the never remove it from the list. You can find the closed item hanging around for at least an hour. May be they don’t have products to fill these gaps.
Loading time: The site takes a hell of a time to get loaded. The baazee people may instantaneously say its may ISP problem. But when every other site on the WWW gets loaded y just one site takes time. Is it the ISP problem or the site. May be they are trying to show that there is hell of a traffic on to the site and that’s why the site takes time. This is simply bu_ _ S_ _ t. Everyone knows that how much ever traffic there is a site can never be so slow as baazee.
Rating Buyers and Sellers: now this is some thing I found very funny. What good can be done by rating a person. If you are rating a seller negatively after he has vanished taking your money are you going to get the money back or are baazee authorities going to pay me.
Some thing I learned: Never to baazee on baazee or else you are baazeeing with your life and money. “I would advise people to stay away from this site”.