Jan 24, 2002 07:52 PM
(Updated Mar 22, 2002 11:55 AM)
Detroit is known as the auto capital of the world ,’n why not with big 3 auto companies like General Motors , Ford ’n Daimler Chrysler having its world headquarters based out from here . This is more of a commercial city rather than a tourist hub.
Detroit downtown:
I must rate this to be one of the worse downtowns of US. Oh god,it looks like an abondoned graveyard .ITs dreary ,murky ’n sometimes even in broad daylight this resembles a ghost town. This downtown is plagued with burnt,abondoned buildings ’n has been a major headache for the corporation to get rid of them ’n has been trying hard to woo some investors to move into the city centre.This place is full of kallus( no offense intended ) ’n no wonder this heads the list with highest criminal rate in US for last 3 consecutive years ,so dont even take a chance of wandering around downtown ,esp’lly in the evenings.The only saving grace of this downtown is the huge renaissance centre( ’n its surroundings along the river side ) which is a complex of 5 hi rise buildings ’n the headquarters of General Motors.But lately there is a revival in some pockets of downtown with GM, Compuserve ’n some major corporations setting up their operations here.
Moving away from downtown ,the lush green residential environs of DEarborn , Pontiac , Farmington Hills,Troy etc etc r quite plesant ’n inviting.
Shopping Malls &n
; &n
; There r some good huge shopping malls with the biggest one being Somerset Mall at Troy 'n other notable ones being Fairlane Mall, Great Lakside Mall and many factory outlets at Flint.
Ann Arbor:
This university suburb is a big relief, in otherwise socially dead city. This is the complex where the sprawling Michigan University is located ’n is quite a lively place .The only suburb of Detroit ,which has main street (something like a typical city centre) with shopping arcades , lots of restaurants, clubs ,college festivals ,sporting events etc. There r some good north indian restaurants like ’’raja-rani’’ right across the main street.
International Auto Show:
Oooh ..la.la...Cars ,cars ’n more cars!!!!!!! Ferraris, BMW’s,Porsches........u name it ,its out there .This is one annual affair ,u cant afford to miss if u r here .This largest auto show in the world draws participants from all major auto companies,with many launching their new brands here.See the future gizmos on road here ,b4 its unvieled .SOme of the cars were quite unbelievable ’n looked straight out from Mars.
Henry Ford Museum and Estate:
I am allergic to museums,but I must admit this one was damn interesting. The museum located in Dearborn , traces the path of industrial /technological revolution in US dating back to 1800’s.There are some amazing exhibits from the initial days of the invention of radio,TV, FM rx/tx’s, telephone exchanges,wireless systems , aviation,steam engines etc to household things like tailoring machines etc.But the main emphasis of this museum is on the auto revolution that has led US to the present state ’n there r models of almost all the cars(of all the companies ),right from the first one henry ford invented.Some exhibits include the presendential limousines,the car which Kennedy rode when he was assasinated etc tec.There r some exhibits reflecting the personal life of Henry Ford ,his dreams ,aspirations that r the foundation ’n philosophy of the Ford company.
Greenfield vllage attached to this museum is a sprawling 80+ acre exhibit village ,’n gives a peek inside view into the life in a typical village in US back in 1800’s ’n every small minute details have been preserved ’n left untouched ’n transports u back in time by couple of centuries.The old grocery shops,vinatge villas,community centres,schools, sawmills etc etc ’n each one of them speaks ’n is a cornerstone of some historic tale. Henry Ford estate is another popular tourist attraction.
The nightlife is almost serenely dead if not for some happening discotheques like the techno club ’’Space’’ a swanky 2 floor double decker club with a futuristic appeal,chic crowd ’n the most poplular one in DEtroit ,but way ...way too expensive ’n too crowded with a long line to get in . Other popular trendy hangouts (’n yet to explore ) r''Clutch Cargo'', ’’Electro Kingdom’’,’’St Andrews’’,’’7th House’’ etc.The Windsor Casino just across the DEtrot river on the CAnadian side ,The MGM GRand casino and Greektown areas r some of the other entertainment outlets.
Winters can be quite harsh with snowing ’n sub zero temperatures thro’ out the season ’n is another big dampening factor n u ’ve to think twice before u can venture out.(Somehow its said this time its quite comparatively moderate)But this is an ideal time for skiing ’n a big sport out here(including ice hockey). There r lots of skiing resorts outside the city limits,but if one is intersted in cross country long distance skiing ,travel further north to the upper Peninsula etc.
Then there r the usual zoos,science centres,IMAX theatres for those who r interested in it.The public transportation is almost absent(like most US cities,but worse here) ,’n u can never explore this city thro’ costly taxis .SO not a recommended city to explore unless u know someone out in this city.