May 18, 2005 04:08 PM
(Updated May 18, 2005 04:08 PM)
You may not be thinking about it at the moment, but, it will happen. No, not England winning the Ashes, no not George Bush getting inducted into MENSA, but your eventual and dramatic (if you are a thespian like me) death. It isn't really considered normal to know when your death will be, in fact you probably don't know when it will happen, but that is where this site comes into full use. pulls the morbid anticipation out of waiting for your death, and can give you a countdown in seconds (scarily ominous) to the time you will be pushing up daisies.
It works as follows... you put in various important details (Date of Birth, Gender, BMI (Body Mass Index), whether you are a smoker etc.) It will also ask you what sort of a person you are, optimistic, pessimistic or sadistic.
However, the fun of this site does not just stop there. The website also offers information regarding how to prepare for your big day. You can find out when caertain celebrities are going to kick the bucket in the obituaries section, ask questions regarding the site in the 'Your Will' section, get site memorabilia such as screensavers in the 'Mortuary', read dissenting voices from the Interweb in the Dead Letter Office, listen to the webmaster ranting in the Testament section and contact through the 'Your Prayer' section.
Also included are random quotes regarding death, and articles, either promoting how to prolong life or giving other information, such as how various famous celebrities ended their innings.
Regardless of all this, however, is my reason for liking this site, being able to come onto MS and deliver a repetoire of euphamisms.