Mar 18, 2020 11:04 AM
We all have been going through this deadly pandemic situation - Coronavirus. A lot speculation is going around regarding this virus. Some say its man made, from a laboratory in China, some say it has been transmitted from some fish while others speculate it to be transmitted from animals. But nothing concrete has been figured as yet!
This book, of which the movie has also been made, was released in 2011. The movie is an exact copy of what is happening right now in the world. As the movie title says, there is a deadly virus that spreads to a billion people all across in the world and is highly contagious. Just like how Corona Virus is. With just one touch you can contract the disease and with just one touch it can be also given to others. the movie shows how bad the effects of the virus is and how all of a sudden the world just comes to a stop. How people self quarantine themselves at their houses. Places that used to be busy and places that used to buzz with life, have become ghost towns and cities just like how it is right now!
The movie is a true depiction of the situation we all are in right now! It is something we all will be able to relate to at the moment.
Its a must watch movie and must read book!