Jul 04, 2017 03:57 AM
(via Android App)
(Updated Apr 14, 2018 12:44 AM)
I've been using this dictionary for over ten years. It is a quite good dictionary of English, considering it's an Oxford. I would like to list out its pros and cons which are as following:
1) The name says it all. It's an Oxford dictionary, so you could trust the definitions given for each entry completely.
2) A thumb-index has been provided so that one could quickly navigate to entries beginning with the desired letter.
3) Simple explanations in easy language for each word are given.
4) Word formation lists( also called wordbuilder sections) are given, compiling together words formed from the same root, which is an aid to vocabulary. A well thought out concept which is well received.
5) Usage tabs for certain tricky words are given, alerting the reader as to when and how to use the word and prevent confusion between almost similar spelled or sounding words, which is really good.
6) It comes in hardback, is of a decent thickness, not too thick so as to make it difficult to carry.
7) It is not heavy, can be easily lifted with one hand and carried.
1) It is not adequate for people already having a solid command of English vocabulary. Many a time I did not find the word I was looking for.
2) It tries to explain every word in simple English. And there lies a major drawback. Easy explanations might be good to understand the meaning, but they do not help the reader to form links in the language and links are very important; several words are linked together through common or close meanings like synonyms, and the dictionary fails to add them to the explained meanings.
3) The appendices are missing from the dictionary.
4) A detailed pronunciation table or chart is missing from the dictionary. The Chambers Dictionary provides it, but not the Concise Oxford English Dictionary by Judy Pearsall. There is only a small unit in the beginning given under the heading of pronunciation, and that spans hardly half a page. The dictionary makes up for the lack of a table by providing a pronunciation-list at the bottom of every page though which many will find convenient.
5) A list of phrases and quotations from Latin, Greek and modern foreign languages is not provided. The reader comes in contact with them through newspapers and other sources and usually would not like to buy another book only for that.
In conclusion, I would like to add that The Concise Oxford English Dictionary is a very reliable dictionary perfectly suited for your ready reference.