Sep 24, 2001 11:44 AM
CNN has long since been the choice of the Nation as a whole to cover major news stories. September 11, 2001 showed us again why we trust CNN and turn to them in a time of crisis or hope.
As I sat in front of my television yesterday, as every American did, I watched with horror. I could not move as many Americans and people around the world did also. When I first heard (of course I was not sure I heard right) that a plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers in New York City, I IMMEDIATELY grabbed my remote and went to CNN. I knew that I would get the most accurate and true information available to me today. This is why so many people rely on CNN. They are factual in their reporting and do not mince words.
As the drama and horror of the day was revealed to us piece by piece we were taken from reporter to reporter as CNN does to get us the most accurate information on what was happening. First we were told one tower was hit, then we watched in disbelief and shear horror and before our eyes we saw a second jet drive right into the second tower. This was no accident. This was deliberate.
CNN immediately began to help their reporter’s help other’s leave the area, get help or call for help. CNN has a dedicated team of reporters, camera men, news desk personal and a total crew that will do whatever it takes to bring us the news no matter how devastating or how wonderful it may be. It is “their job” as one reporter said but I see it more as a mission of mercy at times. How do you define a reporter? CNN defines them a people with a heart and the teeth of a bulldog in my opinion. CNN reporters and crew will stay to the bitter end and fight for what they believe is right. The heart they need and have is to be able to see past the story and see the human element of hurt, pain or joy. We saw all of that yesterday.
CNN was not given much hope in the beginning of its career. Who in their right mind people thought would want to sit and watch the news all day let alone all night? No one really huh? Well, the critics were wrong. VERY wrong. CNN has become a staple in America like Apple pie and fired chicken. They have shown they are up to any task no matter where it may be either abroad or at home.
CNN offers many features to keep us abreast of current events as well as past ones. They offer e-mail sign up that allows you to be sent an email whenever breaking news is happening. I must honestly say that I had I not had CNN e-mail alerts I would not have known as quickly as I did the true devastation of what happened. I had gotten my children off to school just as the first plane hit...8:45 EST time. Ok at my home that is 7:45 and the kids were walking out the door headed for school, which is only two small blocks from our home. I realized that many of the people in the Twin Towers had been at work for at least an hour if not longer. My day of laundry, dishes and regular household chores had just begun and their day had just ended. I realized my day was not going to be the same either. I stopped what I was doing and just sat in my chair. Shock, stunned, horror and rage were going through my mind, body and soul all at once. CNN had become my lifeline to New York and her story.
CNN has other news features besides breaking stories. CNN has a dedicated team of “Political Analysts” that at times seem overbearing but at least they are honest. Sometimes their views seem a bit one-sided but we are all partial to getting our side or our opinion across at some point aren’t we? I know I am.
CNN has the ability to network with virtually any station in the world to bring us a story. This in itself is impressive. Think about the trust that is placed with CNN to deliver the best news coverage. That indeed is a responsibility to have and an honor to be given and held in high esteem. CNN’s website is always changing and updating. You will NEVER see the same page twice as it should be in our ever-changing world. Life is change and life never is still.
Communication from CNN extends far beyond the television. As I have said earlier they offer e-mail updates but the website also has video and audio feeds so if you miss a statement you have the opportunity to see or hear it at your leisure. There are photo galleries, infographics (a new neat word) and other information links. On the left side of the CNN website you have the following link buttons:
SEARCH BOX......(this is to help you find virtually anything in the news or in the know!)
OTHER NEWS......This is actually now the “home page” when you enter the site.
WORLD......Things happening around the globe. Right now all eyes are on the U. S.
U.S.......Currently tracing the “unseen enemy’ that is behind yesterdays attack.
WEATHER......World wide or local it is all there.
BUSINESS......Also CNNFN (financial news) Several links to stocks, retirement and a vast area of financial information from the world as well. This is my favorite part of the site.
SPORTS......Coverage on any and every sport you can think of with scores and statistics to please all. This site is done along with Sports Illustrated.
POLITICS......Mostly US politics but links to some world political information. Also opinions and political cartoons.
LAW......Links for court reports, cases and things that effect us in our lives related to the legal system Very interesting reading.
SCI-TECH......Great report right now on how the web was used as a communication tool in this crisis! Also on going updates in this fight between the Justice Department and Microsoft.
SPACE......The resources section is the best part of this page.
HEALTH......Helpful articles on keeping ourselves healthy. Current articles on Stem Cell research are most interesting.
ENTERTAINMENT......Reviews of television programs, movies and world happenings in the showbiz world! Great reading.
TRAVEL......Midways Airlines is halting all flights. Not good.
EDUCATION......Keep up with what it going on in school changes and polices in general.
CAREER......Right now listing articles on how to cope, CEO's killed and many other helpful links.
IN-DEPTH......Several stories with more information than just a skim through. World, US, Health, Law and others. Links to main stories in other categories.
CNN strives and has exceeded anyone's expectations to become the leader in providing us with all the latest news no matter where it may be. In our ever changing world it is good to know we can depend on one thing for now. CNN.
In closing on a more personal note my life will never be the same again. I cannot help but hug my children a little extra when they get up or come home from school. I have talked to my children and it is hard for them to understand how someone could do this. We talked about how many mothers and fathers were not going to be there to pick their kids up from school. How many children would be raised without those hugs, kisses and tears of love. We talked about how many of these children will have milestones in their lives of 16th birthdays, or first tooth lost. First dates or first home buying. Having their parents kissing and holding their first grandchild.
No Virginia, life will never be the same in America but we will be stronger and we will survive.
The following link is to a candle picture that a young lady has made in remembrance of yesterday. She has stated that anyone may use it on their site. Her web site is