Dec 11, 2015 06:18 PM
Hello Friends,
Most of you are aware that Cisco Certified Network Associate certification having good value for those employee who wants to build his/her career in Networking profile. This certificate eligible for interview and give good reputed job in the domesting / Multi National Company. Now a days CCNA professional requuirement is high for BPO/ KPO/LPO jobs for their client as well internal network support. Last week I went one good MNC company for an interview they asked me did you complete your CCNA I said No sir, what he replies dear if you don't have CCNA certificate then how will you support your team. This is the basic certificate and it's essential. I really surprised and though if it is possible then right away I must pass it.
Finally I came to know the required candidate must have CCNA/CCNP certification because that caompany has to share candidate profile with client that we have such kind of advance support team for your didicated support and then it charges handsome amount in Dollar on the behalf of selected candidate.
I would like to tell you if anyone looking any Network profile then CCNA should be passed prior to apply so that your salary also will be hiked.