Apr 18, 2017 12:06 PM
I have watched 2-3 movies till now at Cinepolis(Westend). The ambiance is very good as the crowd is standard, also a lot of food stalls on one floor above.
Ticket prices are also OK. The best part, you need not take printout of the ticket to enter. m-ticket/message is enough to let you enter the multiplex and watch movie. Picture and sound quality is good.
But the overall experience is not good for the below reasons.
No leg space - if someone is entering in your row, you have to fold your legs to let him enter. Also you can't stretch your legs. Very difficult for heighted people to be seated for 3 hours.
Chairs are not comfortable at all. If compared to the comfort of Rahul 70mm(Screen 1), Cinepolis is very option to choose. Fix base, you cant pull your chair forward and lean with comfort. So I didn't like the experience of watching movies here.
Small Capacity of halls. I like big halls where you can watch movies along with a lot of people. Like in Rahul 70mm(Shivaji Nagar). I would not recommend any Cinepolis multiplex(including Seasons mall) if you have option like PVR, Rahul 70mm, E-Square. But would recommend for IMAX 3D movies as this is the only option available in Pune.