Dec 16, 2016 02:51 PM
I lived in Gurgaon, where we get hard water as most of the society use Ground water for daily purpose. So, I purchased Kent Water Softener at Rs 46000/- which they claim made hard water to soft water. I thought I am saving my family from hard water but I was wrong.
First their sales guys and technical guy came to my house and first thing which they said that the water pressure in my house is not suitable for their machine. So, they asked me to purchase their Kent Water Pressure Boosting System MF-100, which was Rs 15000/-. I stepped back as the price is too high for me. So, they gave me an offer that Water softener and Boosting system will cost me Rs 55000/- only as a combo. Just for my family sake I agreed and installed the whole system on my roof. When they were installing the system, I specifically asked them if i need to make a shed for this machine to save it from rain and rainstorm. They denied and assure me nothing will happen. They also told me that machine require a salt to convert Hard water from Soft water. But they never told me or they may be they do not know from where I can buy the salt. The Kent company just provide you Machine, salt is your problem.
So, first month the machine worked up to the mark. I can see the difference in the water.problem started from second month when i notice the water became hard again. So I called Kent customer care. They took my request but the technician took 3 days to visit my home. I need to chase him everyday and convince him to come to my home. Finally on 3rd day he arrived and check them machine, he told me you need to fill the salt. I asked him where to find this salt. He said go to Badshapur. I searched whole Badshapur but nobody knows about the salt. I called the guy again and told him that I am not able to find the salt in Badshapur, and his reply amazed me. Sir than I don't know any other place. I told him its your machine you should know where I can get the salt. I argued with him almost 15 mins on which he said sorry that he did not know. He will check with his senior and will get back to me. But he never came back. I called their customer care that if they can give me any address from where i can get the salt again no help. I search on the web, but not received a conclusive answer to my question. So this whole process took almost 20 days. Then finally I called the sales guy to either let me know the salt from where i can get it or take back your machine. I wish i would have chosen take back your machine and refund me.
So the sales guy took 3-4 days and able to provide me a source from where i can get the salt. Ok, if someone else have Water softener and looking for the salt than here is the information for you. You can purchase this salt from the shop who sells Coal. They have a salt which is not very costly, normally villages used to give this to their animals like cows and buffalo. I do not remember why. But they do not sold an open salt, you have to buy a whole quintal (a sack), and this sack is too heavy. You need two person to lift a sack. So finally after a month I was able to get the Salt and my machine is up and running.
So next two months nothing happen on fifth month suddenly machine stopped working. So again, I called their customer care and they sent a technician. As the company provide 6 months warranty they replace the part free. Ok, no problem! I again asked him, if i need to built a shed for this machine. He said not require.
Then the rainy season comes and my machine age was 7 month old. The machine could not survive that rainy season and died. As usual, I called and technician came. He checked the machine. Open all its parts and gave me the bad news that your machine is dead and if you want to give life to this machine you need to pay Rs. 40000/-. I was shocked. I want to hit that guy as hard as i can and wanted to throw him out of my roof but didn't do so as he was just doing his job. He told me water get inside its chip and this machine is dead now. As I do not have any warranty left, this cant be free. I spoke many people from Kent but nothing happened. That dead piece is still there standing quietly on my roof. The only thing which is working is water pressure boosting system and this machine makes lot of noise. So I unplugged it too.
I hope you guys will take good measure before buying this product. Be careful, Be safe.