The is a very useful website if you are looking for a car guide like thing. I had surf on this site and it has soo many amazing features like 360view of cars and it has a compelete picture set of car's interior and comapre of two cars and much more.
The web has avery easy to use interface and it is very fast to surf and load. The details of cars are soo much in depth. It makes eaiser to choose your car and you can eaily make your decisions of buying a car.
The zoom car also allows you to check the rates of the car in your city. And gives you a round figure estimate of price range of car.
You can also sort your car in your niche. It is a very useful and reliable website.
I love the easy to handle interface of the website. And also sometimes it takes much more time when you open 360view of a car.
And when you compare two cars it fails to give you exact details of both the cars.