True love is unconditional. And if its a'conditions apply' scenario, then it isn't a true love!
"Can Love Happen Twice?"-The highly anticipated novel by Ravinder Singh.Through this novel he bravely explores the highs and lows of love.This is not a fictitious novel.Even though this is a true story inspired from real life events.Not only the story haldle with love, but also it shows the influence of real friends in our life. Can love happens twice is a continuation of the best selling story "I too had a love story"
The story flows through a very special romantic chat show hosted by a radio station in Chandigarh on a Valentine's day. As the show goes live, there is only one question that remains in every ones mind. What has happened to Ravin?
To answer this question ravins friends begin to read the hand written copy of his incomplete sec ond book. This is a heart touching and very sesitive story by Ravider Singh. The way he choosed to present the book is quite commendable. A story reals true friendship and true love.