Jul 13, 2003 07:14 PM
(Updated Jul 13, 2003 07:53 PM)
If you are reading this review because you want to know whether to buy the book or not, then I suggest STOP reading this review and go buy the book!
Calvin: Hobbes, why do you think we dream? Do you think the brain just gets bored?
Hobbes: I think we dream so we can meet again in our dreams and play all night.
Calvin: Well, good night. See you in a few minutes
The author wrote this strip when his pet cat died. He can always meet him in his dreams.
Calvin: Mom, can you drive me to town?
Mom: Why should I drive you? Its a perfect day outside! What do you think feet are for?
Calvin: To work the gas pedal.
The comic strips are hilarious. I have been entertained for hours with those books and I am a proud owner of almost all the books and I keep adding to my collection. The humour is extremely funny. Even children can understand the jokes. They are really good. I dont get bored even reading the books for the 10th time. The jokes are just too much. Ahh cant write anymore I have to go read some more.
JUST GO BUY THEM DAMNIT! Theyre worth it!