Sep 27, 2002 11:35 AM
(Updated Sep 27, 2002 11:35 AM)
Cafe Coffee Day <--- The name is toooo long. If you're a Cafe, I'd expect you to serve me Coffee, duh! Suggestion to CMO of Cafe Coffee Day, lose the Cafe. Take a look at the competition... Barista <--- Class personified.
Coffee Day's products (and I've tried almost all of them) are much much better and cheaper than the stuff you get at Barista. My recommendations: Frappe, Chocochino (might be mis-spelled)
The competition, read Barista, is definitely more up-market & hip and a definite crowd-puller as compared to Coffee Day. Though I see some activity with the (new) logo and the jukeboxes (in some outlets), but not quite enough.