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The tale Of Man & Dragon
Nov 19, 2008 04:14 PM 1647 Views
(Updated Nov 19, 2008 04:16 PM)



Brisingr, as many of you must already be knowing, is the third part of The Inheritance Cycle penned by Christopher Paolini. The series, originally intended to be a trilogy, has been made into a 4 part series. Reades of the fist two parts, Eragon& Eldest, must already be aware of the script. The story moves ahead in the same vein and proceeds towards its logical ending, although it is still some way off.

For the uninitiated, this is a tale basd in the parallel world of Algaesia,  kingdom ruled over by the tyrant Galbatorix. This is a world of fantasy, with majestic dragons, curious dwarves and mysterious elves. The stoy is carefully woven around its central character, Eragon, who was an ordinary  farm boy in his village of Carvahall. This was before he realised that Fate had other plans for him and he becomes a Dragon Rider- the only one with the power and prowess to dethrone the demented Galbatorix. This young lad travels far and wide to avoid being nipped in the bud by the king. His dragon, Saphira, helps him in all his conquests.  He joins the rebels known as the Varden and has till date fought two wars against Galbatorix's Empire. He has won one and lost the other, being very lucky o escape with his life after The Battle Of The Burning Plains, where he fough his evil brither Murtagh and his dragon.

This is where tis instament begins. eragon is reunited with Roran, his cousin, and together they must ry and free Katrina from the clutches of the Ra'zac, the hideous creatures who do Galbatorix's dirty work.  Eragon is confrontedc with choices,  and they include decisions which only he can make. Even his-parner-for-life, the dragon Saphira, cannot help him in these matters. Eragon Shadeslayer must fight his battles alone this time. Atleast a ew of them anyway. Defeated and spared at the hands of Murtagh has hurt his pride immeasurably and he is extremely worried about his chances againt Galbatorix and Murtagh. He feels a sense of hopelessness at it all. The political upheaval in the world of he dwarves frustartes him further.

In the meanwhile, Roran's fame and courage have been going from strentgh to strentgh. He assumes a high post in thee army of the Varden and slays nearly 200 solders in a single batlle! Truly, Paolini's treatment of this character is amazing. The entire book is about the pre-war stage, which will determine the balance of power  in the lands forever.  Eragon continues his training under Oromis, albeit hurriedly, gets a new  sword made for himself which bretahes fire and dwells upon his parentage.  The book also answers how  Galabtorix has grown and remained  so powerful.  A comparision with  the Horcruxes o Harry Potter  was inevitable in this regard. Here are a few of the spoilers in the book. They aren't major ones though:

  1. Eragon's paentage is not entirely as it seems. Murtagh's statements do not hold compltel true.

  2. A feasible way to kill Galbatorix is found.

  3. Oromis & Glaedr play an important role.

  4. Rran & Katrina marry.

  5. Arya kills a shad as well.

  6. Eragon gets a new sword to replace the one Murtagh stole from him.

This book is a riveting read, especially towards the end, when the Siege Of Feinster begins. But the book's ending is somewhat abrupt, and I feel a little disconinuous with the rest of the plot. All in all though, it is a good book. The fans of eragon and Eldest will not be disappointed. However, for first time readers, I strongly recommend that you start from the first book itself, else the plot will be lost on you.

This book is longer than the first two parts, but it still took me under a wekk to read the 750-odd pages. This when I was preoccupied with other stuff to do!!



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Brisingr - Christopher Paolini