Mar 08, 2011 12:51 AM
(Updated Mar 10, 2011 10:06 PM)
The swan had two faces;
She had only one
But was assigned to two of art.
She sided with one
And could not live the other.
“Lose yourself! Forget yourself”
The master cried.
But to the self she was assigned:
The white was perfect
Rising, soaring, moving
Riding waves of white
In graceful ease
But the black faltered
Worn, and dragged
While a chasm kept her away.
She started killing
A part of herself;
Her mind spread wings
Black, too black for her white
So black could live
And bloom away the white.
She was perfect that night.
But sided with one as she did
She could not be the other.
All that she was metamorphosed
Into what she would be
-in the last few minutes.
Her art touched zenith
While she lay on earth, dying.
P.S.: I was reminded of the movies'The Piano Teacher' and'Mullholand Dr.'(aha!) while watching this one.