This is actually a good place to shop your monthly groceries if you are a person who is very busy to go down to a supermarket and buy them.
The goods are good, because I have shipped more than 3 times and have had a good experience though not a great one.
Some of the fruits and vegetables are actually costly compared to the market price, because of which I got scoldings from my mom. I had planned to give her a surprise the first time I ordered.
Other products like soaps, detergents, packed foods are okay to buy from here as the mrp is already specified on the package.
The sad thing about this website is that there is no discount whatsoever on any product, which you usually see in other websites.
Though the prices of commodities is quite high, the quality is good. So you can easily order without thinking much about the mfd date and all.
Over all a nice website.
I recommend.