Mar 20, 2019 03:25 PM
BBLUNT Salon Secret High Shine Creme Hair Colour is ammonia free and is enriched with silk proteins, which adds luster to your dull and lifeless hair. The possibility of color running out after using this product is minimum after you use this product.
It is a great luxury for those who want to get funky fashion color in their hair. It stays on the hair anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks and gives good coverge to grey hair. It is available in seven shades which are coffee natural brown, mahogany reddish brown, blueberry blue black, honey light golden brown, wine deep burgundy, natural black and chocolate dark brown.
Squeeze out the content of the tubes and the shine tonic sachet into a non-metallic bowl. Mix the contents with a tinting brush and apply the color on the grey area first and then whenever you require it. No use a conditioner on your hair and rinse it off. Air dry or towel dry your hair.
Use the product as soon as you mix it. Keep the hair color 30 minutes after application. Emulsify for a couple of minutes after sprinkling water on yur scalp. Rinse till the water is clean.
To make sure that the product stays for a long time on the hair, use a color protector shampoo every time you wash your hair. Use lukewarm water to wash your hair and restrict hair shampooing to twice a week.
BBLUNT Salon Secret High Shine Creme Hair Colour is a great hair color to try.