We all know that consuming almond is good for our health.Protein which is presenting in almonds are beneficial for health, sameway protein is needed for hair growth, thats why most of the people especially girls used to apply protein shampoos and oils in hair, which helps to prevent hair fall, and promotes luxurious hair growth.I had used this oil many times.
The main advantage what I had noticed is its consistency.Its non-sticky, so if we try to apply in hair its easy to wash off the excessive oil from hair.It contains vitamin E.Vitamin E is good for hair and also for glowing skin.It doest have any strong odour.So managing hair with application of almond oil is easy.It provides a smooth and silky hair.The another main thing is its not so expensive and we will get the product so easily from the shop. Regular application of this oil promotes thick and shiny hair.Over all the product is good