Oct 04, 2001 06:13 PM
Atlas Shrugged is simply the most well-written book of all time. The author spend about 14 years on writing this book, and it surely paid off. It was first published in 1957 and it has been translated into numerous languages and is one of the most influential books in American history. How come that you rarely see it being talked about in the media? How come that many Americans have never even heard about it or its author?
Because it tells the truth!
The book consists of strong and well-defined characters and the plot is flawless. The main parts of the plot are the proper and improper role of government, the source of American wealth and production and the individuals who represent the good and evil in the world and specifically in American society. You get to know good and evil in business as government like never before.
Any person with an interest in politics, freedom, individualism and reason ought to read this book. You will not be disappointed.