May 20, 2001 07:20 PM
Dear Agony Aunt,
You must help me `cos I don`t know where to turn.I can`t believe that I have let it get so bad.What started off as a simple way to relax seems to have taken over my life as the addiction sets in.How can an intelligent , educated person like myself have allowed this ''weed'' to rule my life?
What am I going to do to reduce my dependency on it?
It started when I was a child! My parents, could you believe it,introduced me to it , for at that time the weeds` addictive properties were only known to the medical profession.They used to give me a little infusion of it, in a cup, sweetened by sugar and mixed with milk.It didn`t take me long to forsake soft drinks for this ''hard stuff''.
Before long I was hooked and have never been able to survive a day without my usual two cups in the morning , just to get going you must understand , and then periodically throughout the day further ''top - ups'' in order to function at a reasonable level.
It affects my whole mood and manner.If the levels of this weed....well, let`s call a spade a spade and give it it`s real name.....TEA ! If the levels of this are low in my system I become cantankerous and crabby - I can be a totally different person so friends have said until I get my ''cuppa'' !
I go to all sorts of lengths to get the right stuff - any old tea just isn`t good enough.Sometimes whilst out , I`ve have to get a cup from various different sources,often of the variety called ''English Breakfast Tea''. It just doesn`t satisfy my craving for the real stuff! Some of my friends , I know , favour such sorts as ''Earl Grey '' or ''Darjeeling'' but nothing really hits the spot like ''Assam''. There! I`ve finally admitted it . I`m addicted to Assam Tea.To actually say the words and to admit in public my ''habit'' is a great weight off my mind and immediately I feel better. Maybe this is the first step on the long road to recovery.
No longer will I be carrying boxes of Assam with me when I go away on holiday to coffee drinking areas like Canada or Europe.No longer will I sweat when going through the ''nothing to declare '' at customs for fear they will pounce and seize my hoard of tea.
Well Aunty.I hope that this will prove useful in the fight against this addiction should you care to tell my story to any youngsters thinking about embarking on the same boat I`ve been on for so many years now. It should be a salutary lesson for them.
I feel so good now I think I`ll put the kettle on and have a good cup of.............tea!
Thanks Aunty for being there for me.