We have been scammed with insurance regulatory development authority of indias lax oversight and even less control. They are supposed to ensure you are not cheated. In nov dec amhi closed the plans coerced us to upgrade to another 5000 k costlier plan. Soon as that payment was made they told us now we were under hdfc ergo health. Never received any policy doc from hdfc ergo. Now as of 15 apr 2020 hdfcergo is also closed and canarabank our original master
Plan holder for their customers is trying to shift us to some bagic or tragic. You can find irda chairman and complaints email and send them a complaint. I have sent a complaint asking for a prorata refund for the unused premium from apr to dec 2020. Lets see what they do. Irda were party to a similar trick with max newyork life insurance. We indians protected under govt run lic were throw to the wolf pack
Of foreign insurers when the industry opened up. Irda doesnt have any control over them but pretend they do by issuing public interest ads when too many complaints come in. Its a racket involving impotent over seer and innocent publics hard earned money every year.