Nov 18, 2002 08:56 PM
(Updated Nov 18, 2002 09:00 PM)
American desi
well the promos on the tv really made me think of something to like about it but the movie really falls short by a long distance
well just for the people who havent watched it
its abt a indian american staying in the usa who has nothing to do with india or its people in fact just thinking abt them has dumbshells
he is into the american culture
well it continues when he has to go to college and finds all his roomies are indian , which he infact detests and thinks abt it as jumped from the mountain and fell in a hole situation
well some moments of the movie are great like his roomies
a sardar(who loves fashion and is doing engineering just for his parents),salim a muslim who has a lot of love to india ,and a gujju who has like a lost kid in a mall
well some scenes which stand out are salims in the burkha the cooking scene and the entry in the girls dorm
well its a movie which actully dosent symbolise indians as they stay in america its a exaggerated and like a stupid illusion
it actully insults a lot then making us laugh on this stupidity
of the acting the sardar ,salim and the gujju are good
the lead is not at all fit for the role
it has no story and just if u have at the most nothing to do I mean really nothing watch and really screwed up take a couple of friends and watch it