Nov 04, 2009 12:59 PM
Hi! I saw this movie on the day of its release last week. My main reason for going was that I basically like fantasy movies - also, I have always liked Ritesh in his previous movies. Also, Amitabh being there was like icing on the cake!
The plot is loosely based on the Disney version of Aladin. Especially, the first chase sequence is a lot like the Disney one. Ritesh fits Aladin's role very well, so do Amitabh as the genie and Jacqueline as Jasmine.
Jacqueline is very pretty and fresh looking - also her acting was quite good taking into consideration that this was her first movie.
All in all, I would definitely recommend this movie for families. Here is the summary:
I really liked the storyline.
Very good acting by everyone - Amitabh's dialogs are also funny and interesting.
I like the way they have shot this in a fantasy place(it looks like a mix of an Indian hill town and a Chinese town near Great Wall of China). The picturisation is great.
Very good special effects.
Music is so-so.
Some loopholes(e.g. how does the genie fight the ring master in the end even though he has lost his powers).
Overall, this is a must-watch for a light fun evening:) It is a short movie(2hrs) but the time flies.