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Ahmednagar India
AIDS ( part of a community )
Mar 25, 2002 05:52 PM 3883 Views
(Updated Mar 25, 2002 05:52 PM)

Let us find ourselves to be very Lucky to be Born in Human Society, Lets thank god who made us Human who can think, Who can Take Decisions, Who can cry and who can Love someone, and one who can share his/her feelings with one another. Today we all are heading towards 21st century having well equipped Things which has changed human life, which has changed typewriter in to a Computer, which has changed Phones in to cellular, Which has changed Oil lams in to Bulbs and tubes. This all is possible only after the handwork done by the humans and the technology created by the humans.

The Scientific Difference between Human and Animal is only that a Human can Think and Work, He can create Ideas, bring new things to life .the most best part of Today’s technology are the Medicines Which has been a major part of the New technology in Today’s Era. The disease names Flue (Common Cold) which is just a cold and a Friend for Days used to Kill people in Old days and where Typhoid use to be the dangerous Disease Caused to human life. But today with the help of medicines Human can not only fight against these Disease but has taken out the disease from human community, but still there are so many disease which are coming Up and Growing up With alarming Rate in Human society for e.g.: Cancer, TB, Migraine, Heart Problems, Aids, but the most Dangerous Disease according to WHO Survey (World health organisation) Is the AIDS. AIDS is the Disease, which Spreads in Human Being ten times faster than animals and has no cure just we have to Wait till Death comes. AIDS is not the disease which Spreads through Insects or say it has any Contagious virus, Aids is The Virus which comes in Human Body only through blood and it can come in different ways like when u use a Used Syringe, Blood Transmitted containing HIV Virus, or Having Sex with a person who is Already Having HIV Virus in his/her Blood. Well Aids that can really turn a human Life into a never-ending Nightmare can be saved.

We can protect ourselves from AIDS but there is only one cure, which is PREVENTION. So for this we must be aware and must be very careful on what we do. We have formed a community of people who are suffering from Aids and also been Very Successful people in life. But What we do if we find anyone who is With HIV virus we neglect that person and try to stay away from him , But we should not do this because aids is not a contagious Disease it wont transmit in ur body. We must Encourage these people and make them live happily till the time they leave, according to doctors Survey a aids patient can Live up to 30 yrs (depending on his Body) without any problem is he Properly follow the Doctor Given treatment and also Government is charging no Tax On Aids Medicines. We must equally treat those people by giving proper support, proper knowledge and proper care.

The maximum number of People suffering from Aids is being found in The Areas where people are less educated or not at all educated. Different human Welfare org have also been started to work on this project like Giving Knowledge to People abt AIDS, Television shows, Advertisements and also giving Free knowledge. These social programmes are carried by many well known groups like Rotary, Lions Club, People welfare Club, CRY and many more which are non Profit institutions who work for Community. But not only in Non Educated areas but aids is also found to be growing more in Teenagers who have no knowledge of what they are doing and what it can lead to so proper knowledge should be given to them at early stage of their life where they can Know how it is and not only us But all the Parents those who Children’s must Teach their children’s how to be secured from this Virus and what precautions can be taken because parents are the First Teachers of Child and they can make them understand well .


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